Wednesday 7 October 2015

Workshop: ZBrush

Today I had a workshop focusing on the 3D modelling program known as ZBrush, which is an incredibly interesting program. Although we learnt the basics of it, there is an awful lot to remember and I have already forgotten some of the more technical aspects of it such as the effects of the various brushes and some of the alternative ways to create 3D models and structures. However, I have learnt what the most necessary brushes are and what their effects are, as well as the commands to give them different effects and the fact that holding the ctrl key whilst hovering the mouse over a tool will give you some information about that tool, so I have enough knowledge to know how to start sculpting in a future session. However, I have tried Sculptris before, which is a similar 3D modelling program, and I do not like using 3D modelling programmes simply because I hate how it controls when you try to rotate the camera. Although it is a minor thing, it has always bugged me. Despite this, I do want to learn how to use ZBrush and to improve my skills in it as I am aware of how important the program is when it comes to concept art, as it is an essential tool for designing and creating characters and creatures.

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