Wednesday 14 October 2015

Workshop: Life Drawing 2

My second life drawing session followed a pretty similar routine to the previous sessions, only having the shorter drawings at the beginning and then two longer drawings at the end. This session probably could of gone a bit better for me because I still did not really finish any of the drawings, but then again it was still only my second life drawing session.

This was the drawing from my first mini session, which we were just asked to do a 12 minute drawing of the life model using whatever materials we wanted. I decided to go with the basic pencil since that is what I prefer and what I am used to. I took my time with drawing and it definitely shows in the drawing as there is very little detail.

These first few drawings were simple line drawings with a pencil, having to do them in 4 minute and 3 minute intervals. 

This next set followed us having 2 or 3 minutes to draw the model, and then another 2 or 3 minutes to shade the drawing. I managed to get a lot more done in these time slots, have gotten a large portion of the body done in almost all of the sketches. 

These next two sketches were done over the course of 12 minutes each, where instead of drawing lines around the body, we used chalk to sketch out any lit up areas of the body, as doing this will allow us to create interesting images whilst still creating an obvious human figure. This was an interesting way of drawing but I feel that these drawings turned fairly well, especially the first drawing. I had never drawn in chalk before so this was a nice material to work with. A slightly different property it has compared to a pencil is that you can smudge it easily but it does not end up looking messy, like what tends to happen with a pencil, so I started trying that out in the second image.

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