Sunday 18 October 2015

Week 4 Summary

This week I have admittedly done very little work, mainly because I just haven't got any strong ideas that I want to work with or really stand out to me, so have been struggling to get any further with the project. The beginning of the week ended up with me doing nothing, but then on Wednesday we had a life drawing session, and it gave me some motivation to begin creating some more concept art, although I still struggled to think of anything that really grasped my attention. The life drawing session was alright however, it followed a similar path to my previous session, but starting with the 16 short drawings and then going into some chalk drawings, where we was tasked to work on lighting instead of drawing lines to create the shape of the body.

On Thursday I had another review session with our project leader, and I was discussing this project with him and my ideas about the Apocalypse snakes and the woman with an hourglass body, and although he said to do the one that I wanted to do more/felt right, which was the hourglass woman, that this project is more about an object. He eventually told me that I should do the hourglass woman one if that is what will make me happier, but to just keep it more timepiece then human. Whilst I did want to go with the woman, I decided to stick with the snakes, as I had a more object design for them and I felt as though I would not be following the project properly if I was to stick with the hourglass idea. After speaking to him, my project leader showed me a few shortcuts on Photoshop and some ways that I could generate ideas, such as using squares, circles and triangles to create silhouettes. When I practiced this though, I could not see anything in what I was making so I stopped doing it and continued to draw some sketches and designs. When I got home, and for the rest of the week, I continued designing some snakes and eventually settled on some designs that I will use for my final piece, getting to the point that the model sheet is almost complete and the designs are pretty much settled upon now.

I haven't been enjoying this project as much as the previous one because I cannot think of anything I like, but I should have the project finished soon so that I can begin working on the new one, which we will receive the brief for tomorrow.

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