Sunday 4 October 2015

Week 2 Summary

The second week has been a bit calmer compared to the first week. We had a lecture on Monday with our tutor explaining different terms for lighting in imagery and various different compositional styles, which will be incredibly helpful for when I work on the final piece for this part of the project. We also had another lecture with another tutor on Thursday, who spoke to us more about the written and research parts of our work, which was very informative and will be of great help in both how I go about research and what sort of things I should research. The work I have done however is a lot less then compared to last week, and whilst I have almost finished my final piece for this insect work, it is still not finished, which ideally should have been finished this week so that we can move onto the next mini project, so from here on I will have to work a lot harder in order to catch up.

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