Saturday 3 October 2015

Tree Textures

During the creation of my final piece I needed some references for both a foggy forest scene and on how to texture trees, as my experience with designing landscapes is minimal.

For the foggy forest I merely wanted to see how objects faded into the fog the further away they were and how it effected the colour of them. It helped me realise that there is actually a large area in front of the viewer that is not effected by the fog, so I took this into account when making my image. I also took note of how the trees slowly disappeared into the fog, looking as though a faint white filter had just been put over them.

When it came to texturing the trees, I wanted to keep the trees in the cartoon style that I had been using for this project, so I started looking at the television show Steven Universe to see how the trees were textured in that, alongside just looking at trees in general. Although I could not find anything online about how the trees in Steven Universe were textured, I can tell that they were given a fair amount of detail, but at the same time made specifically to a have a water-colour-like appearance so that the characters stood out well from them. On real trees the bark is very defined and ridged on common trees like the oak, ash and elm trees. In the end I tried to create this effect noticeable on real trees, but at the same time texturing the tree similarly to the tree in the first image below, which is actually a cherry blossom tree in Steven Universe, despite the bark appearing differently to a real cherry blossom tree. 

Foggy forest 1 -
Foggy forest 2 -
Foggy forest 3 -
Steven Universe tree 1 -'s_Tree
Steven Universe tree 2 -

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