Friday 23 October 2015

BA1a (3): Silhouettes

This third and final mini-project is about characters, where we have to design a character from the fairy tale The Tinderbox. I was given the Georgian Europe time era in which to design my character from. I'm not too familiar with this time era so I started off by looking into various Georgian Europe clothes in order to get an idea on what they wore. I created a base female silhouette for the princess since this is the character I am most interested in working with. I duplicated the base female silhouette and then created various dress sizes for each one. I also created a silhouette for the dog and created two alternate ones for the dog, as well as a silhouette for the witch. 

Below are the silhouettes that I took further from the ones I already made and designed further. I created a lot of these after looking at some Georgian dresses, and attempted to just get a Georgian feel onto the designs. I haven't added any details to the princess herself as I wanted to work on facial details, hair and jewellery on there own. The dog and the witch follow pretty similar routes, although they are also very uninspired and pretty lacklustre in my opinion since after finishing the princess silhouettes I was dead set on using those. The princess silhouettes that I am most interested in are the second and third ones from the top left and the second one from the bottom left, with second from bottom left giving me the most ideas.
I also created these silhouettes seen below, however I did not like any of these and didn't really want to take them further. The top left one however is the base female model that I used for all the other designs.

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