Tuesday 20 October 2015

BA1a - Concept Art: Task 3

We received the third part of this concept art project, being similar to the previous mini projects, only that we have to create both a character sheet and a model sheet. For this mini project, we have to design a character from the Hans Christian Anderson fairy-tale called 'The Tinderbox', with a twist, as we have been allocated a time period which we should design our character to be from. I received Georgian Europe, which when looking for online images quickly of the clothing style featured a lot of large dresses and coats with frilly bits which I am honestly not a big fan of, but I can probably find something I like that I can work with.

When I read the fairy-tale, I noticed that there was actually only a handful of characters to actually pick from, but because so few details were listed about each one, they can easily be interpreted into anything really. Realising this, I could immediately think of a few ideas that I am definitely going to consider working with:

-Princess (rugged/feral/prisoner/demon/creature?)
-Dog with teacup eyes (robot/construct/demon?)
-Witch (princess in disguise/mythical creature in disguise?)
-Soldier (female in disguise/cyborg in some way?)

The story itself could be taken in many ways, such as seeing the soldier as an evil character, the king and queen as evil and mistreating their daughter, or even just the princess herself as evil, with her parents holding her prisoner and changing the story of why she is hidden in the castle so that she does not hurt anyone. There are various important points in the story that can be interpreted differently depending on the thoughts and views of the reader.

'The Tinderbox' read from here:

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