Sunday 25 October 2015

Week 5 Summary

I did more work this week then I have done in the last couple of weeks, and although I am behind a little bit, I did manage to finish the final piece of the timepiece project which I am proud of, although I feel it is weaker then my insect project simply because I did not enjoy the project as much. I've also begun creating some silhouettes for the new project, which revolves around choosing a character from the fairy tale "The Tinderbox", and designing them to fit into a time period which was allocated to us. I was allocated the Georgian Europe era, and although initially I really disliked this, it has grown on me overtime and I am looking forward to taking these further.

On Wednesday we had a different session to usual, and that was a group critical, where we each presented our timepiece work to the rest of the people in our group. When it came to mine, I sadly did not get much criticism, but I did get a few suggestions on how I could develop the floor plan layout of the snakes, which I took into consideration, especially when I was creating the final piece.

Thursday was simply another critical session with our project leader, although I did not get a chance to get feedback from our project leader. I did however manage to create my silhouettes for the character project which I am pleased about and I can now work solely on this project now that the timepiece has been finished apart from some blog parts.

This new project, despite me initially hating some parts of it, has easily become my favourite of three and I think I can create a much better outcome from this project as a result, providing I can catch up and not rush parts of this project.

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