Sunday 11 October 2015

Week 3 Summary

The third week has been a lot busier then previous weeks, mainly because I have not managed my time too well and still had to finish the final piece for the insect part of the project as well as some bits on this blog, so I did not start the timepiece part of the project until Thursday when I had a critique session with our project leader. During this session though I managed to create a variety of silhouettes and even started adding some detail to some of them, however I am finding this mini project already a lot harder because I am struggling to think of anything that could really work or hasn't already been done.

On the Wednesday we had our first ZBrush tutorial, and although the program is very intricate and diverse in what can be created in it, I struggled to take in everything we learnt, but I'm sure that if I practice using it then I could get the hang of how it works. One of the more annoying things about the program is controlling the camera, although this is most likely just a personal annoyance as I seem to be the only one to struggle with it.

In my own time I did finish off the initial designs for my silhouettes, and there are a few that are interesting to me, however the only strong ideas I can think of are character designs of the following:
-A woman with a literal hourglass figure.
-A man/machine made entirely out of timepieces, such as a sundial shield/pocket watch flail, a clock for a hat, grandfather clock shape + colour scheme.

These two could easily be mixed together which I am definitely considering, although right now the hourglass figure idea is the most appealing on to me.

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