Monday 12 October 2015

BA1a (2): Brainstorming

Over the weekend and whilst trying to elaborate on more ideas, I thought of another idea which I could work upon (more on that later). However, I am going to continue working on my previous ideas since I feel these are stronger ideas.

I wanted to work on the design for a woman with a literal hourglass figure, so I began drawing up some designs, working on some simple hairstyles and body parts. My tutor showed me a way that I could generate ideas by simply using squares, triangles and circles, although I felt that this does not help me a lot to be honest. A problem I have been having is that I haven't managed to nail down a concept I really like, nothing has really screamed out to me as something I really want to work on.
I thought I should try out my newer idea as this previous idea was not really going anywhere, which I thought of over the weekend. This new idea was to have a snake that would have something pour into it, slowly filling it up. The inside of the snake would be segmented, and once a bit was full another bit would open up. Each segment would equate to a part of an apocalypse or some similar event, my main idea being that it would release a horseman of the apocalypse. I originally thought of using a more realistic snake design, but also wanted to try out a Mayan snake design, so I created some more blocky and angular shapes, although I prefer the more realistic look since it would work better for the liquid that would pour into it.
Despite my initial thoughts about this design I am actually starting to prefer it over the woman and I feel that it would be easier to work with as well. As I spoke to my tutor, my thoughts about the idea of creating this robotic woman started diminishing as I realised it was not something I should be doing because the timepiece should be an object.

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