Tuesday 5 January 2016

Barrel Texturing

Our second task was to texture a pre-made barrel. During this session we was given this task, we was shown how to uv map the barrel, and then showed how we could texture it. This is what I made in the session, which I thought wasn't too bad for a first attempt, but I definitely wanted another shot at texturing it. 

My first attempt resulted in it looking like this. It followed the same base as the texture above, with only the wooden parts being different. I created the wooden part with the Poster Edges filter, but soon realised the black was far too strong compared to the brown.

This is the final texture I made, which is an edited version of the one above. The black has been edited to a shade of brown, and the barrel now looks a lot better then before, although it doesn't look too much like wood, but regardless I am pleased with it. I also filled the background in brown because in some parts of the previous texture there were small white lines where I hadn't textured. This is easily my favourite and best texture I have done for the barrel, but I may come back to it in the future so I can make a better looking one.

I also decided to begin working on metal texture, which I think started off pretty well, but hasn't really gotten anywhere beyond the basic colouring.

UV mapping videos


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