Wednesday 27 January 2016

Life Drawing 5

This life drawing session focused a lot on lighting, and the use of charcoal to make strong contrasts between light and shadows. 

The first drawing we did was just to start us off. It was simply on plain paper and we had to use the charcoal and erasers to create shadows. We was told to not create outlines and make an almost messy-like drawings. This one was done in 12 minutes and was pretty fun to create, this one was easily my favourite one of the drawings created today. 

This next drawing was done in 13 minutes, and this time we could only draw with vertical lines, which was surprisingly challenging but was also very enjoyable. 

The third drawing was done slightly differently. We had to cover the entire page in charcoal, and then use an eraser to bring out the highlights. Unfortunately, even though I tried to set this drawing with a spray so that the charcoal would not transfer or rub off, this drawing was messed up a little bit with some charcoal transfer. For this image we just had to create it from just horizontal lines. This task was fun, but not as enjoyable as the previous 2 drawings in my opinion.

This drawing was done just like the last drawing but without being limited to horizontal lines. 

These drawings were pretty interesting to create but I have to say I won't be using charcoal over pencil for drawings. I think the first drawing I did was actually pretty good as it quite easily portrays the figure of the model but has the somewhat scruffy appearance to it.

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