Saturday 9 January 2016

Week 14 Summary

This is the first week back after the Christmas break and things seem to be get steadily back up to pace already. Monday consisted of a lecture about advance modelling, showing us some more advanced techniques such as subdivisions, topology, floaters and kit bashing. Wednesday consisted of a life modelling session that focused on hands and perspective, where we did a series of short hand sketches followed by short full figure drawing. On Thursday I had a Maya session in the morning that allowed us to practice most of the techniques shown to us in the lecture on Monday, followed by another lecture in the afternoon briefly explaining our contextual studies topics for this project.

In my free time I managed to finish off my character that I started making in Maya a long time ago, and also managed to continue working on this blog and did a little bit of 3D modelling. The character I am semi-happy with, although I feel it could of gone better, although this latest Maya session allowed me to finally finish it after being taught about bridging and combining. The new techniques shown to us are fairly easy to remember and I can already see them being incredibly useful for me. I also took notes on these so that I could remember them in the future should I forget them (which is very likely). I do feel like I am going to get behind because of how slowly I am doing things lately so I will crack on with doing a lot more work next week.

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