Sunday 17 January 2016

Week 15 Summary

Our lecture on Monday focused on materials, showing us the Lambert, Blinn and Phong materials in Maya, as well as materials in Unreal Engine 4, material instancing and then a recap on things like physically based rendering, albedo, normal, roughness, metallic and emissive maps, combining textures, ambient occlusion and realistic and hand painted materials. Whilst it was nice to get a recap on a lot of previous topics, we had also been shown these before as the Unreal Engine 4 stuff was the only brand new stuff really shown to us (since the Maya materials were briefly discussed with us during our Maya tutorials last week).

My Wednesday session was another critique session and this time everyone had a lot more work done so it was easier to get feedback from people. The feedback I got was very helpful and I shall be taking all of it into account. It was suggested that I re-consider how I go about making my 3D models because I have a tendency to overlap objects so polygons are being wasted, which makes sense so I will be going through my models and finding all the points where polygons overlap, as well as extruding shapes to create some parts of my model instead of creating a new shape and just hashing it to pieces. It was also suggested that I do more UV mapping since I haven't done any for any of my models I have made so far, which I do agree that I have to do some UV mapping, but I was then accused of wanting the UV mapping session re-taught to me because I stated that I would like to discuss with another tutor a couple of things about UV mapping, such as a reminder on how to align the checker grid with the faces of my objects. Finally, it was also suggested that with one of my barrel textures that I apply a lighter gradient to parts of it in order to make it look a bit more wood-like, which I agree with entirely.

On Thursday I had another Maya tutorial, although this time we was just shown how to make the cable for the vintage phone and then was left to do whatever we desired. Having the cable shown to us was a huge help and will definitely be an aid in the future because it was the final thing we really needed to be taught in order to create the phone.
The lecture in the afternoon consisted of a lecture from games developer Steven Huckle, who had worked on Sims 3, Tomb Raider, Transformers Universe and various other games. He spoke to us about his experience in the industry, his work and his website, which helps people set up development studios for making games. His lecture was both entertaining and very informative which both kept me listening whilst also informing us all about various facts and intriguing information. This will also be a great aid in my group's presentation which is due within a couple of weeks (although we still don't know what we are supposed to be doing really beyond the research task assigned to everyone).

In my free time I have managed to continue working on the vintage phone, to the point where it is almost complete now, as well as starting to create a weapon for a character of mine. I plan to have the models for the phone and the weapon completed by the end of next week, as well as hopefully tweaking the lamps and the character, so that I can begin working on unwrapping them all and possibly even texturing them in the future.

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