Wednesday 13 January 2016

Weapon design

Just like how I wanted to create a character of mine, I decided I wanted to create a weapon of another one of my characters. This character is Meloda, a small Imp who uses a sniper rifle in combat, with a bayonet attachment and the ammunition being the spheres around her belt.

I started this off by just mashing simple shapes together and creating the vague shape of the gun, with no idea how to really go about making it. I showed this off during a critique session and got a very mixed reception, although I began to realise how I could actually make this.

I kept all the previous parts from before, but I did not want to reuse these so used them merely for reference. The non-higlighted of the gun below was originally just a cube, which was extruded upwards. The faces on two sides of this cuboid were pulled slightly to make them rounder, and then the bottom part was moved outwards so that it would keep the rounder look as opposed to an extrude literally pulling them out without altering the faces around them. The flat sides of the gun's stock was then extrude and pulled inwards to match the slight dip visible in my gun's initial design. To make the gun's grip I simply extruded and pulled and tweaked the edges and faces, which became very tedious at times but I eventually did manage to nail it. To make the slight rounded connection between the two gun parts, I just extruded some more, deleted some faces and then extruded the edges to the point that there is a completely flat surface for the second part to sit in.

The second part (the selected part) is simply a cylinder with 3 sides flattened and the last side pulled up at various pointed across the faces. The edges at the top were then extruded upwards to create the alcove-like part seen below, which is where the barrels of the gun will sit.

The barrel of the gun is just an elongated cube that sits in the alcove I created in the main body of the gun.

Below is the final gun model. The differences between the image above and the one below are:
-The scope
-The trigger
-The button and screws
-Second barrel and knife

The scope I created with a cylinder, extruding one end of it and expanding it out slightly. I then needed to make a dip within the main body of the gun so that the scope could comfortably sit on top, which was done by simply flattening and lowering some selected faces. Some faces of the cylinder were then extruded down so they touched the gun.

The trigger was simply extruded out of the top of the handle, but I did create a small gap around the trigger just like it would on an actual gun, so that the trigger can easily flick inside the gun when pulled.

The button, located on the main body of the gun next to the small extruded rectangle, is just a small cylinder, and the screws, located on the rounded part at the start of the stock/above the grip, are spheres cut in half and extruded slightly on some of the faces on top.

The second barrel is a duplicate of the first one, albeit shorter. The ends of the barrels had the outside edges pulled outwards to give them angled ends. These were then extruded inwards to give them the exit holes for the bullets. The bottom barrel however has a knife held inside instead.

The knife is just an altered 3 sided pyramid with two faces stretched to give it a more knife-like appearance, and the extruded along the bottom face. A cylinder was then created for the handle, which was altered slightly to make it look like a handle, even though you won't see this part.

Overall, I am incredibly happy with how this turned out. I think it resembles my initial design almost perfectly and it looks great overall. It's pretty simplistic for a gun, but then again the design is simple already. I just need to smooth some bits, UV map it and then texture it and it should be complete.

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