Sunday 24 January 2016

Week 16 Summary

This week our Monday lecture focused on baking and introduced us to things such as cages, raycasting and X-normals, and then recapped on Normal maps and various other maps. It was a pretty useful and informative lecture, but it was another one of those lectures where we was not shown a lot since it's something that's better to explain when actually doing it.

The Wednesday session was a Photoshop tutorial which I was excited for (and enjoyed in the end) which focused on masking and how it can be useful in certain situations. The session was pretty calm and there wasn't really a lot for us to do in it so we could go at a slow pace which I liked. I ended up creating the image below, and I am surprisingly happy with how it turned out to be honest.

Our Maya session on Thursday was incredibly fast paced and somewhat aggravating as I could not keep up with the tutor whilst also taking notes, but even when taking notes I would end up missing a part which then meant I could not keep up with him. The session took what we was told about baking on Monday and progressed through us doing it practically. We baked a cube, created a normal map and then messed around in Unreal Engine 4 for a little while, which is pretty interesting, but overall the session just ended up annoying me more then it should of because of how fast the tutor was going through everything, and I feel like if I didn't keep falling behind then I would of really enjoyed the session.

The afternoon lecture was presented by Scott Grandison, where he discussed programming and what he has worked on within the industry. The lecture started of fairly plain, as he just showed us some basic programming, but then once he started showing off some of the more technical and advanced bits, especially the use of the Xbox Kinect camera, then it became a lot more exciting. Afterwards he showed off some of the games and other bits he has worked on, which was also pretty interesting. Overall the lecture was actually pretty good and I did quite enjoy it to be honest, it was both very informative and fun!

In my time outside of uni I have continued working on some of my models a bit, but honestly I haven't done a lot, which I should really reconsider as I feel like I am getting behind now, and should do more models in general really.

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