Sunday 31 January 2016

Week 17 Summary

This week we did not have a presentation on Monday so my first 'in uni' session, as such, was on Wednesday as a life drawing session, focusing on lighting and the usage of charcoal. The session was pretty good as I haven't really done any drawings with charcoal apart from the odd drawing here and there during one of these sessions. Some of the drawings were pretty enjoyable to make, especially with the limitations set to us such as only drawing with vertical lines.

On Thursday we had another Maya session, but this session was simply just more of a drop in with a couple of reminders about some things shown off before, but was more of a drop-in session. I never spoke to the tutor so I probably could of done this work as home, especially given the fact that a lot of the things shown to us I already knew, so I didn't really take anything from this session beyond just a couple of reminders.

We also had a lecture on Thursday where our course leader showed us some of his work, similar to the last couple of Thursday lectures, as well as learning about women in the gaming industry and was also given a recap on what we need to be doing for our presentations since no one really understood what we were supposed to be doing, but after this lecture everyone seems to have a solid idea (at least me and my group do) of what we should be doing, or rather what we can do. The lecture was definitely worth going to as we got more information and ideas about the gaming industry as well as actually getting a proper understanding of what we need to do.

In my free time, I've worked on my models at a couple of points, but have mostly focused on my presentation for next week with my group, to the point where we actually finished it on Saturday. I also wanted to spend a lot of time this weekend just doing some digital drawing since I haven't done any in a long time, even though I really do need to crack on with some of this 3D modelling.

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