Sunday 20 December 2015

Week 13 Summary

This is the final week before Christmas but things have not really slowed down. On Monday we had a lecture discussing how to texture an object and different types and ways of texturing, although like last week this was a very short lecture as it is more something that we have to do ourselves to fully understand, so we will be continuing it during our Maya tutorial on Thursday. Not much happened on Tuesday but Wednesday consisted of a Photoshop tutorial about texture brushes which was incredibly interesting and helpful, so I will definitely be practicing those and acquiring more of them in the future. On Thursday we continued developing our skills in Maya by learning how to apply textures to a 3D. We did this by using a barrel already created by our tutor, setting it up to texture, and then simply using the UV map as a net to design a texture within in Photoshop. Obviously the main texture idea is wood but I am not particularly good at creating textures from scratch, although this will be a good way to practice, as well as to try out the texture brushes. In my spare time I have been working on the model for my character a little more although I am still struggling to get things done for it, let alone actually getting time to do 3D modelling with some recent events.

Over Christmas we have been tasked with texturing the barrel again but with a different texture, which I want to further develop some wood textures or create some sort of pixel, cel shaded or metal barrel texture.

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