Sunday 1 November 2015

Week 6 Summary

I am starting to get back into the flow of things now as I have done more work this week then previous weeks, similar to the situation last week. This week I have mainly worked on blog stuff again, although I have finished the iteration part of my character design for 'The Tinderbox' project and have managed to get a final concept for my character created as well, which is hopefully strong enough that I can begin working on the character and model sheets next week. Although I have not done as much practical work, I feel that the work I have done on my blog makes up for it and am now getting back on track.

On Wednesday we had a second ZBrush sessions which just focused on more tools and us experimenting with them more, and although I feel that I am starting to get the hang of some parts of the program, I still am not keen on it.

Thursday was another critical session and at this point in time I was still working on iteration. My project leader pointed out that the legs I was trying to create (digitigrade) biologically do not make sense, so he explained to me how these work and then discussed with me how a demon aspect of my chosen character (the princess) could work. The feedback I received has allowed me to correct the mistakes I was making with my design and has greatly improved both the visuals of my character and my understanding of how these kinds of legs work.

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