Tuesday 10 November 2015

Final Evaluation: BA1a Concept Art

Throughout this unit I have tried to keep up to date with everything tasked to us, and I feel that I have to some degree, although towards the end of the unit I have struggled a bit with keeping up with everything. The Insect project went pretty smoothly and everything I did for that was accomplished within my desired time frame, but once I reached the timepiece project things slowly started to become a bit more difficult. This was mainly due to having a week where I did very little because I struggled to think of any ideas or what I could do with the project, eventually settling on the idea for snakes that will be filled with a liquid, acting as a countdown for the summoning of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. By the time of deciding this though I had a lot of work I needed to do in order to catch up.

I finished the timepiece project about a week after we was informed on the final project revolving around characters and the fairy tale 'The Tinderbox'. This project, although initially disliking it, quickly grew on me and I found it to easily be my most favourite of the three projects, revolving in me being a lot more motivated to work on it. I wanted to create something a bit different, which ended up with me turning the princess into a demon and using a lot of inhuman characteristics. Because of this though, I ended up creating work cautiously and slowly, which did not help my time keeping, but did allow me to learn about and understand some anatomical properties that I previously was not aware of, specifically digitigrade legs. I also kept drawing my character's body first and then drawing the dress over the top, which feels practical and handy, but ended up taking up a lot of time. I have managed to finish everything within the time frame we had for this unit, although not with a comfortable amount of time left between finishing and submission.

During all of these projects I did try to work on things that I do not normally work with, mainly backgrounds for the final pieces and the lighting effects for the character project's final piece. The backgrounds I created work well in my opinion and I am happy with them, although I do feel that there is a better way I can create backgrounds so that is something I want to practice in the future. The lighting effect that I played around with for this final project was very interesting and it can come out with very visually appealing results, so I am very glad I decided to look into this. Something that I do want to improve upon is my drawing abilities in Photoshop as some of my drawings can have untidy or shaky lines, as well as needing to get more brushes in order to experiment with different styles, which is something I admittedly do little of. I will definitely try to manage my time better for future projects

I tried to keep the work I created as relevant to the project briefs as possible by following the guidelines and tasks set to us, whilst also trying to add a bit of diversity to my work in order to make it more interesting and fun to work with, resulting in things like the demonic princess design for the character project.

Whilst I initially felt I was doing well and keeping on top of everything, eventually I began to realise that I was not managing my time that well, and the timepiece project really set me back to due being both uninspired for it and having little interest for it when compared to the other two projects, but overall I have managed to complete everything in time and feel that most of the outcomes from these projects have pushed my skills in Photoshop, has allowed me to learn new skills and has also improved my knowledge on how concept art is both created and utilised in the gaming industry.

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