Wednesday 4 November 2015

BA1a (3): Model Sheet

I used this drawing of my character as a base for the placement of the lines seen below, which can give me an indication on where different body parts, bends etc, should go. The black lines indicate different parts of her, whilst the green lines represent parts of her dress. Once I have one angle of her body drawn, I can then rearrange the lines to match these parts for better accuracy.

I decided to draw her body and her dress separately because I feel that it is easier for me to work with and so I can get the dimensions more accurate. Below is her side pose which took a surprisingly long time to do, but mostly because I was drawing the dress separately.

After finishing the side view I moved onto the front view and immediately stumbled onto the problem that I made mistakes with my character's proportions on the shoulders, which were way too low to be physically possible, which resulted in me having to make multiple tweaks and changes.

After fixing the issues I had with my character's proportions I eventually finished the front view of my character. To simplify everything, I only drew one half of her, and then duplicated and mirrored it to the other side, making any changes to the other side then instead of redrawing the entire side again. The same technique applied for the dress.

For the back of my character, I duplicated the front view and simply made the slight changes to make it look as though she is being viewed from behind, such as adding shoulder blades and elbows. This angle was a lot simpler to create as it mostly boiled down to just slight tweaks.

Below is my final model sheet which has since been coloured. Although there is no shading to my character on this model sheet, I feel that it will take up more time shading it which I need to create the other bodies of work. However, if I have more time towards the end then I will definitely come back to this and shade the poses. I did not include the lines in this final image because there is about 30-40 lines and would just look messy in the end.

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