Tuesday 3 November 2015

Tinderbox Character Research and Inspiration

To design my character I needed look into the fashion styles and norms of the Georgian era. The web links below are what I have used as references to understand what I can use for my character to fit into the time period, as well as what I can not use to make her look lower class or ignored by the higher class.


For the dresses final design, as well as the designs used on the silhouettes, I simply just looked into various Georgian era dresses and mix and matched them together until I found one I liked. Below are some of the images I used as references. I tried to stick to some of the more simpler dresses considering the concept for my character was to keep her as an outcast.

The idea of having her as a demon was inspired by just simply wanting something a bit different, but her actual design was inspired by many common depictions of demons within various medias. These included things like the red skin, horns, clawed fingers and toes, black eyes, fangs and digitigrade legs. The claws, fangs, horns and the digitigrade legs were also inspired by what I had learned in the compositional lecture a few weeks ago about how angles and points create a sense of unease and danger, hinting at an evil presence or being.

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