Sunday 8 November 2015

Week 7 Summary

This week was a lot more practical based for me as I decided to work almost completely on my design work, getting to the point that my model sheet is now complete and my character sheet is almost finished as well, although I have continued to work on this blog occasionally. I did encounter a few problems when it came to the model sheet as because I was using my first drawing of my character as a reference for the proportions (which is drawn at a slight angle), it resulted in some parts of my characters body changing in terms of size or shape, which is not too much of a problem, but that then resulted in the shoulders being ridiculously short and the head being far too large, so I had to make some adjustments as I was going, but overall I feel that the model sheet has turned out very well. The character sheet, whilst not finished yet, is going better then the model sheet in my opinion and is virtually completed beyond just drawing some ways of my character attacking.

On Thursday I had another critical with my project leader and managed to get some feedback on my character sheet, since this is what I was working on at the time, and he suggested creating some hand studies since this is a unique trait to my character, such as showing off how she grabs things and how she uses her hands, but apart from this my character sheet is pretty much finished. Since then most of the hand studies have been completed, although I do wish to create a couple more with her actually holding something.

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