Saturday 5 December 2015

Lamp models

In my free time I downloaded the student version of Maya and created 2 lamps from it.

My first lamp is based on a gumball lamp, and was pretty much made the same way as the lamp made within the tutorial. It mostly consisted of distorting, moving and rotating objects made, although I used the extrude tool to hollow out the lamp's head and create the sockets for the plug on the base. I also tweaked the vertexs and faces, such as with the faces of the light bulb (originally a sphere) and stretching them to create the neck of the bulb. I am even more pleased with this one then my first lamp, and the more I play around with Maya the more I am actually beginning to like it.

Because I wanted to try Maya out a bit more I decided to create a 2nd lamp outside of the tutorials. This lamp was a lot simpler but I liked the look of it. However, it doesn't seem to have a specific name beyond a Sterling Desk Lamp or LED Lamp. The LED part was a bit different to work with though as I didn't have to create a bulb and instead an area for a series of LEDs to sit in. To create this, all I did was make sure the cylinder had enough subdivisions so that I could select some vertexs and pull them up into the centre of the cylinder a bit, creating a flat indent underneath.

Personally I think these both look pretty good considering I am still learning how to use the program, despite the fact that neither of them are that complex.

Before finalising my lamps I wanted to add a bend to the neck of the gumball lamp. To do this I had to watch various Youtube tutorials on how to bend objects, discovering various ways in which to do this, but in the end settled on the the technique of selecting the object and then going to the Deform tab, then to Nonlinear, and then to Bend. I could then also tweak the curvature and change where the deformation occurs within the neck of the lamp. Eventually I got to the point where all I had left to do was to tilt the lamp head down and place it onto the lamp's neck, thus making the lamp replicate the gumball lamp more.

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