Sunday 13 December 2015

Week 12 Summary

This week was also pretty quiet as we still haven't been set any large tasks to do. Our lecture on Monday covered UV mapping and various terms for it such as Seams, UV Space, packing, UV Shells/Islands and Texel Density, as well as the reasons checker patterns are used for UV mapping, those reasons being:
-UV scale issues.
-Easy to identify distortion,
-Flipping UVs (facing the wrong way).
-Identify seams.

On Wednesday we had a critical session where we got feedback on what we had done so far. Whilst any feedback is good, this session felt a bit underwhelming due to small amount of work done by everyone because there hasn't really been a specific task set for us beyond making a lamp or two in Maya, so our feedbacks only lasted a couple of minutes each. I also did not really get much feedback about the work I had produced beyond some new techniques and keyboard shortcuts, which will be helpful in the future.

Thursday was another Maya tutorial session where we was taught UV mapping and essentially showed how to make what we was shown on Monday, with the session continuing into next week for more UV mapping practice. Honestly UV mapping is pretty complicated and it has started putting me off 3D modelling again, although I'm certain this is just another thing that I could learn and get the hang of in the future. A problem I had with the session itself was that I was easily getting lost or missing something that our tutor was telling us so I frequently had to stop and ask our tutor for assistance in order to get me back on track, which although he was happy to do, was bugging me a little bit, but it is more that I just don't understand the program as opposed to any fault by the tutor, program etc.

We was tasked with just continuing to practice with Maya and 3D modelling in general in our own time so I decided to start working on creating a character of mine in Maya that I felt could be simple enough to make within the program, although I have started to struggle creating his fingers, which is something much easier to create within ZBrush since Maya is better for more artificial objects.

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