Saturday 5 December 2015

Maya Workshop 1

My first workshop with my project leader introduced us to the 3D modelling program Maya. During this session I learned some of the basic commands and inputs in order to create and manipulate objects, such as the shortcuts to rotate, move and distort an object, the functions of the extrude option and the ability to manipulate the vertexs, faces and edges. This was quite a nice start to learning Maya and I found the session to be incredibly useful, although there were points where I missed something or misunderstood, but my tutor stayed behind after the session for a few minutes to quickly show me those bits I missed. Initially I started dislike Maya as much as I did with ZBrush in the previous project, but as I learnt these basic things I have actually started enjoying it a bit, and will work on creating more lamps in my spare time in order to start refining my very limited skills and reminding myself of other controls. How our project leader went through the tutorial was a lot more effective for me as I've managed to learn and memorise almost everything taught to us, as well as the tutor.
The lamp above is what I created in the session, and I am pretty happy with it considering it's the first thing I made in this program. It does look a bit odd because the neck doesn't have a bend to it, but our project leader said we would go over the bending another day.

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