Saturday 5 December 2015

Life Drawing 3

This session of life drawing focused more on portrait sketches as opposed to full body sketches, so it allowed us to focus more on one area and adding in more detail. We started off by doing 16 small sketches like usual, but instead of having different time increments the model would move his head to different angles and would use different facial expressions. I managed to finish a lot more of the drawings compared to previous sessions which is nice, but a problem was was that the model had a habit of moving and changing facial expressions slightly during the drawings (which is understandable since each drawing was at least 3 and a half minutes long) but it caused problems with keeping continuity within the drawings. But overall it was a good session and I'm pretty happy with these drawings, I feel that they are easily the best pieces of life drawing I have produced.
These first drawings were the 3 and a half minute ones that were created in pencil. They were simple enough to do and I enjoyed creating them.

This next image used both pencil and white chalk, and was a lot longer then the previous drawings, spanning roughly 30 minutes. I'm quite proud of this piece as it actually looks quite nice in my opinion and I feel I managed to apply the chalk well.

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