Saturday 5 December 2015

Week 11 Summary

This week has been pretty quiet to be honest, with the lecture on Monday I learnt about some of the techniques to do with 3D modelling and what our new project is about, but we wasn't informed about any specifics so I could not really do anything until Thursday when I had my first session with our new project leader, where he introduced us to Maya and what we need to do this week, which is to create lamps in Maya. At first Maya seemed as complicated as ZBrush and I was almost immediately put off by using it. However, upon using it a bit more, as well as downloading it in my spare time, I found out that this program isn't as complicated as ZBrush and I am actually starting to enjoy it.

Between the lecture and the Maya session, I had a life drawing session on Tuesday which went well, in fact probably better then my previous life drawing sessions. Outside of these sessions and the lecture though I really did not do a lot because there hasn't been much set for us, I just created the lamps I had to create in my spare time, which I ended up creating a third lamp because I felt the one I made might be a bit boring (as well as wanting to mess around with the program a bit more), and worked on this blog. Overall this week has been quite quiet and easy, but I'm sure the weeks will get busier just like before.

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