Thursday 24 September 2015

Insect References and Inspiration

Whilst I was creating some of the designs for my insects, I decided to start looking at some real insects, as well as a few other things, in order to begin getting a good idea as to how I should construct my insect's body and what things I could use to inspire it.

For my first design was inspired by the idea of having a chrysalis-like or pod-like body because of my idea of having an insect stuck in the middle of pupation, although realistically this body shape would be incredibly difficult to manoeuvre with. 

The second design is supposed to be some kind of insect using a baseball cap as a shell, which I thought would be an interesting design concept, however impractical it might be. The common green shield bug inspired the colour scheme and basic body shape.

 The third design was inspired by a mixture of a black garden ant and the giraffe weevil. The giraffe weevil had a heavier influence on the design, inspiring the colour scheme and the long, giraffe-like neck. The ant had a much more minimal inspiration, merely inspiring the head shape, antennae placement and mandible shape.

The fourth design was inspired by a Pokemon called Swadloon, which is inspired by the Silver-spotted Skipper butterfly during chrysalis, where the caterpillar folds leaves around themselves as a form of shelter, but instead of using leaves, it is using it's wings. From looking at the silhouette I noticed that it slightly looked like a cake, and a Victoria sponge eventually inspired the colour scheme.

When I started making some alternative designs for a couple of my concepts, I tried making one for my first design that felt nocturnal and almost mystical, so I chose purples and blacks for the body, with some luminous pinks to act like lights on the body. I created a pattern on it's back, which was inspired meant to replicate electricity like a novelty plasma ball in order to give off a more mystical appearance.

When I decided what concept I wanted to continue using (it being the design that slightly resembles a cake), I redesigned it slightly to look like a cupcake instead, and created four different colour palettes. Each colour palette is designed to look like a type of flavour common for cupcakes, so vanilla, strawberry, red velvet and chocolate mint. 

Baseball cap image -
Shield bug image -
Black garden ant -
Giraffe weevil -
Swadloon -émon)
Cake -
Plasma ball -
Volcarona -émon)
Cupcake 1 -
Cupcake 2 -
Cupcake 3 -
Cupcake 4 -

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