Tuesday 22 September 2015

BA1a - Concept Art & Representation

So we received our first project today during our lecture, the project being Concept Art and Representation, where we generate and explore visual ideas that are crucial to concept artist, whilst also writing about the impact of characters, how they are represented in games, and how they have developed over time. During this project, we have to create various pieces of work such as character and model sheets, final pieces of our designs whilst backing it up with research, as well as a 1000 word essay.

The concept art part of our project has been split into 3 small projects, with our first project being to design an insect, as simple as that. We have to focus on the following:

-Silhouettes, creating basic and random shapes that we can develop into designs later on without getting too influenced by outside elements like real insects.
-Iteration, redesigning and refining our ideas so that we can produce the best possible solution.
-Character sheet, drawing/painting the insect in different poses and displaying motions such as walking and flight.
-Final colour concept painting, where we create a final image of our insect in a situation or an environment.

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