Sunday 27 September 2015

Week 1 Summary

My first week at the NUA, like when you start anything new, was kind of scary and a little bit daunting, but it went pretty well in the long run. Our lecture on Tuesday focused on just introducing us to the course and to higher education, as well as covering our first project and what we should create in terms of how character sheets and model sheets should look. Throughout the week I also had a life drawing session and a tutorial on Photoshop and Alchemy which should all aid me in developing my skills, although the life drawing will not aid me on this project, at least for now. In my spare time in the week I started developing my insect design to the point that I am almost at the final design, although I still do have a fair amount to do, but am pleased with my progress so far. I wanted to make my insect odd in order to try and create something unique from other designs, so I began thinking of what sort of things I could incorporate into an insect's design, and ended up making a list in a small journal:

-Hats, as shells/'homes'
-Foods, as shells/general body shapes
-Insect fusions

Whilst not a lot here, these three ideas alone have such a wide range of options that I could easily find something in at least one of them that works well.

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