Wednesday 23 September 2015

Workshop: Life Drawing

My first workshop at the NUA was a life drawing session. I had never done any life drawing of a live model (briefly done some life drawing from this website ), so I wasn't sure how the session would go, but in the end it turn out alright, although I did not spend my time wisely when it came to the drawings, as our session revolved around having several short drawing sessions of the model lasting only a few minutes. 

This was the drawing from my first mini session, which we were just asked to do a 12 minute drawing of the life model using whatever materials we wanted. I decided to go with the basic pencil since that is what I prefer and what I am used to. I took my time with drawing and it definitely shows in the drawing as there is very little detail.

This next mini session we had an A1 size piece of paper and had to fold it into 16 sections. The top 4 rectangles we had to draw a series of poses, giving us 4 minutes each. The second row we had to do the same, only with 3 minutes on each. The third row we had 90 seconds and the final row we had 1 minute. Because I don't manage my time too well when it comes to drawings, I realised I was too slow and kept speeding up my drawing speed, resulting in all the images having a similar amount of detail. 

Our final drawing was a 10 minute study of the life model, but because I know knew I was too slow I sped up a lot and like I realised before, the quality is still the same if I sped up. Whilst I still didn't finish this drawing either, I did accomplish a lot more in it then any of the other mini sessions, and this one easily looks the best. For future reference I will have to remember that you need to be quick during these sessions.

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