Friday 11 March 2016

Week 23 Summary

During our lecture this week (which was another live workshop) we was told we ideally should have this pillar done by this Friday, which would of been nice to have known earlier but I guess it did kickstart me into doing more work. We was also told that we needed it to be imported into Unreal Engine, even though this was initially stated as a goal and not an actual requirement.

On Thursday we had another simple drop-in-like session but we was shown about a coding script that allowed us to harden UV edges easily, which was very useful. The afternoon lecture focused on game mechanics and how they could be used as a metaphor or have some meaning to them, which was incredibly interesting and I really liked this lecture once again.

In my free time, I managed to get my pillar from being in the initial stages of the low poly, to having it finished, UV mapped, baked and the model imported into Unreal itself, with the only thing left to do is apply the texture map to it. I did this mostly by coming in on Tuesday and staying behind until late into the evening on Monday and Thursday in order to properly concentrate on it with no distractions and so I could use all the programs I needed. I also managed to do some more of the written aspects of the work, and overall I think this week has been hugely successful, I just wish I spent more of my weeks working as hard as this.

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