Tuesday 29 March 2016

Essay plan

Character Diversity in Smash Bros.

Body Image
-Overweight characters (King Dedede, Wario, Mario?, Olimar?, Villager?, Miis?, Ness?)
-Tall women (compare Samus to other females)
-Non-muscular (Mario characters, Earthbound, Kid Icarus)


-Female (ZSS, Bayonetta) 
-Male (Captain Falcon, Shulk)
-Palutena pole dance taunt
-Panty shots removed from previous Smash games.
-More sexualised for a Nintendo game? Or all the little sexualised bits put into one game?


-ZSS and Sheik? (Transgender or not? For Sheik, male, female or transgender?)
-Pokemon? Most depicted male, despite Pikachu being the only definite male. 'Male as default'
-Corrin sexuality? (very minor but still)
-Gender ratio: 35 male, 8 female, 7 either gender, 7 unknown, 1 transgender? (Sheik)


-Dominance of the female characters (ZSS, Sheik?, Bayonetta, Rosalina)

Important notes:
-Smash mixes franchises as opposed to being characters made specifically for the game. Comparable to Playstation All-Stars or UMVC3.
-Amiibos - how you have physical sculpts you can take of and train them- puts more attachment onto the characters from the audience.
-Gameplay - how it attracts a lot more casuals players as opposed to other fighting games. Easier control scheme and items.

-Fans view on the lack of diversity in Smash Bros.

-Diversity lack in Marvel's Cinematic Universe.

-Lack of video game diversity. Smash is another fighting game, but is also a wacky party game bringing characters from various genres of games that has a very wide, diverse audience. Mario and Kirby attracts those who like platformers, Pokemon and Fire Emblem for the RPGs, LoZ and Metroid for action adventure, various minor characters for veterans(?), Ryu and Little Mac for the fighting game enthusiasts, Earthbound for story, Villager for the simulators (as such)

-Introduction: How Smash Bros. Wii U's character roster, whilst certainly not perfect, is more diverse then almost any other fighting game.
-Body Image and Minorities: How the characters within the game represent a large amount of minorities, and how it doesn't.
-Sexualisation: How it has dealt with sexualisation, before well and poorly, and balancing it out across genders.
-Gender: How gender is dealt with within the game, well and badly. The male default.
-Competitive: How the competitive community is dominated by the female characters, despite the gender ratio in characters, and how players playing female characters are the most loyal to their characters.
-Amiibo: How the game features a system where you can train your own fighter, and how these figurines and their function bring a new kind of bond to these characters.
-Conclusion: Why Smash Wii U has both a great diversity in characters, and how it has a bad diversity of characters, and what it could do to resolve this in future releases.

Games to compare to:
Playstation All-Stars, Soulcalibur, UVMC3

Other comparisons:
Marvel Cinematic Universe?


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