Sunday 28 February 2016

Week 21 Summary

I attended the drop-in session this week in the hope I could get some help with UV mapping, only for a year 2 to not only assist me with my problem, but to also show me much easier ways to UV, allowing me to quickly UV map the Klefki and Bronzong models. I also had a lecture on this day, which was a live workshop where our tutor made a pillar whilst answering any questions we had. Whilst not greatly helpful, I did learn a couple of new things about ZBrush, so overall it was worth it in the end.

On Wednesday I had a Photoshop tutorial, where we painted a portrait of someone. This was pretty fun, although my drawing was disastrous, but nether-less this is just my inexperience with this way of working, but I do want to give it another shot when I can.

Thursday was simply a session for us to come in, get feedback and help, and to work on our pillars. I managed to get it mostly finished in Zbrush, with only attaching the arms and adding damage to them remaining. The afternoon lecture brought up our essay and what we really need to do for it, which was definitely helpful for us to know.

In my free time I textured the Klefki and Bronzong models which came out with really nice results. I also made my pillar before my Wednesday session so that I could simply import it to ZBrush and immediately begin working on it.

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