Saturday 13 February 2016

Hydra Splatling

I decided that I wanted to make something from the video game Splatoon, and came to the decision to make the Hydra Splatling, a mini-gun style weapon made from a chainsaw and a fire hydrant. Stupidly though, I forgot to take many screenshots throughout the creation of it.

So I started off making the main body of the Hydra Splatling, which was simply a cylinder extruded at one of the centre points and then pulled outwards to create the part where the barrels will sit. I then also extruded a few faces from the bottom downwards to replicate the small bit at the bottom of the Hydra Splatling that can hold the black support beam. After this, I created the barrels themselves. I did this by extruding a cylinder multiple times, and then duplicating this twice to create the other two barrels.

I then created the motor on the back. Originally this was just a cuboid that I then pulled some of the faces on the top and side to create the raised areas. I then extruded some of the faces inwards to match the grate-like texture applied to the gun in Splatoon, as well as creating a cylinder, removing all but the top face, extruding the edges upwards to create a little pit as such, and then removing some of the faces on the motor so I could combine and attach the faces together. The handle, which circles around the motor, was a thin cuboid that I duplicated multiple times, resized and then bridged all together. At this point in time however it was far too thin when compared to the actual gun itself, so later on I went back to this and extruded an extra set of faces out all the way around it.

Going back to the main body, I added three large hexagon to it to match those on the gun. One is used for the second handle, one for the pipe which is added later on, and one for a dial, although this will be added in when I texture it. The handle at the top was created by getting a torus and placing it just above the hexagon, then getting a smaller cylinder, and placing that in the centre of the hexagon. I then edited the cylinder so that it only had 6 faces, essentially being a hexagon. Because of how many faces I made the torus have, I could then simply bridge three of the small hexagon's sides to the torus, and they would be of equal distance from one another. Later on I then smoothed this so that the small hexagon is actually a cylinder once more. I also added the support/stand at the bottom, which was done by creating a cylinder, and working on just one side, creating all of it apart from the rounded end, then duplicating it, and bridging the ends together to create that round end.

At this point all that the model really needed still was the canister, the pipe and the handle on the motor thickening.

Although it is difficult to see in the image, the canister and the pipe were completed. The canister was  simple a sphere with the central faces dragged out to making more like a tube with rounded ends. The frame to hold it was a torus with several faces removed, duplicated to go at the bottom, and then extrude down towards the bottom duplication and finally bridged together. After this the bottom of the canister was extruded and flattened to create the neck. The main body of the Hydra Splatling and the the canister were then combined so I could begin working on the pipe. The pipe started out as a sphere that I removed almost all of the faces of apart from a select few which would act as the ends of it (duplicated so that there was one for the canister and one for the hexagon). Once this was complete the final part was the extrude the motor's handle to make it thicker and resemble the actual gun more. Various parts were done separately so that they stayed more consistent (such as the side being done after the bottom since the side need to be extruded along the X axis as opposed to the Y axis).

This is the final model, and I am incredibly happy with how it turned out. It resembles the gun particularly well, and has a lot of detail to it. It took about 2 or 3 days on and off to make, but I feel like a strong outcome has come out of it. I will be smoothing out various parts however since they are still quite angular, like the canister and the barrels, and it will eventually be UV mapped and textured.

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