Sunday 17 April 2016

Week 27 Summary

Week 26 Summary

This week was similar to last week with the addition of a lecture. The sessions focused on showing us how to use Marmoset, and were also like last week in the sense that they were more like drop-in sessions. We were told that we need to use Marmoset for our time machines and pillars in order to create a turntable videos for them, which would have been nice to know before, since we only have a week left until hand-in, but in all honesty there was not much to learn and creating the turntable itself only takes a few minutes.

The lecture focused mostly on our essays, any final questions we had on it before hand-in and how some games break the 4th wall. It was shorter then most of the other lectures, but we still got some great information from it.

Like last week I decided to come in for most of the sessions in order to focus on my work, and I have now completely finished my time machine with all of the different maps, with it also placed into Marmoset with a turntable video created. As well as this, my essay is almost finished and I have almost everything else completed. I need to finish off a few bits of information regarding my work, such as the creation processes, creating the turntable for my pillar and creating the PDF documents ready for hand-in.

Week 25 Summary

This week was the return from out Easter break, over that time I managed to get a good chunk of my essay done and ended up finishing most of my own models. Our sessions from here on have been cut down to a single 3D workshop, but I have gone into most of the other sessions so I can keep working on my time machine. The sessions did not cover anything new really and were mainly used as drop-in sessions if we needed help with anything. By the end of the week I managed to have my time machine UV mapped and ready for texturing, so I should be finished with all of the 3D models very soon.